Road trip USA 2022

Collected the hire car, complained about a bust windscreen, and tried to get free upgrade to a corvette.

Then they gave us a hard top…went back and tried again to get free upgrade to a Vette. yes, he said Ok you can have it, then looked and found we were doing a one way rental to LA.. couldn’t do the vette one way 🙁

anyway, the 5 ltr Mustang had a track mode. so fun fun on the hilly streets of San Fransisco 🙂

San Fransisco first

Two main things about San Fransisco.

1. the building are very nice, although they but right up to the roads, they are very quaint,

2. most people don’t live in them, they live on the streets, I mean like homeless people are everywhere it’s horrible and very intimidating, most tourist places have them everywhere, we didn’t even bother stopping at some just to save us the hassle of dealing with them

The TV is full of ads for the upcoming elections and everyone blames the Democrats for doing jack shit about it. in fact, encouraging it, if you shoplift less than £800 then no one will even stop you, not the shop workers the security guards, or the police.. WTF , 99% are off their trollies on drugs , it an incredible sight to see, they are everywhere, literally tent cities.

but on another note here are some normal sights of SF

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