Welcome back, so as we approach the end of 2020 and the year that could of been, I thought I’d recap on all the good and the bad things that happened during it…

I mean the year started off promising, I had just turned 21, had worked day and night to hand my dissertation in early to go racing and then a few days before I was meant to fly to Abu Dhabi for an event, I was told it’s not going ahead and to get our team out of the UAE ASAP before the UK locked down. I won’t lie I didn’t believe it, no way they’d shut the country (and world) down… ahh young innocent Chloe.

When my parents returned from the UAE, my mum became very ill very quickly which ended in her being rushed into Hospital, confirming she had Covid-19. This was a tough time for the family but like we do, we pulled through it.

I then spent the next 3 months riding my bike, thankful to have land permitting this, I put my boredom into time on the bike and getting fit. The getting fit part soon stopped but it was the thought that counted, maybe next year I’ll try again! I graduated University with a First Class Degree in Motorsport Management and Logistics, Go me! OFC the graduation ceremony was cancelled.

August came and I moved South with my Partner and got a job in Formula 1, that pretty much took up all my time and somehow within a blink of an eye we’re in December.

For some, maybe they aren’t thankful for this year and the pandemic, but I am grateful for it. Lockdown allowed me to remove myself from all the drama, relax and refocus. Delete people out of my life that were toxic and create new friendships and relationships. It also put me back on path on where I want my life to go, something that touched home a little for me.

I’d like to thank Morris Lubricants for their continuous support this year, although I haven’t been competing I’ve still been maintaining my vehicles and without them all this wouldn’t be possible. So please, go support the businesses that support our sport!

So when the new year rolls around, I’ll be keeping my head high and hitting it full throttle.

Until then, stay safe and have a lovely Christmas and New year!

Chloe x


1 thought on “2020 – Thank you, Next.

  1. We’ll said Chloe, upwards and onwards into another New Year. Let’s hope your plans work out and you can be a Champion again, you will always be a champion to granddad and me. Keep it pinned and stay safe.xxxx

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