Hello guys, Sorry for not posting in such a long time.

Some of you will already know about  my pony ‘Tioren’ having to be box rested anything up to 6 months dew to an injury which is a unbelievable shame for both of us having so much qualified and planned for the rest of the year. However very grateful to  a close friend in which I will continue my last 6 months in ponies with a novice ride called Fairgate Rhys.

Last weekend we travelled down to Arena Uk for the summer pony premier, at such last minute change dew to not being able to take Tioren , Rhys quickly filled his spot. Rhys coped very well with all the new surroundings for his first stay away show. sadly the weather left us missing out 2 of our classes because of the arena flooding.  Then starting at 7.30 the next day to continue the classes we very unfortunate had the last fence down in the first round of the 90cm which was no fault of his own.

Rhys and I will be hopefully travelling to Bishop Burton in the start of July for another summer premier.

