Good evening all, I hope you are all well.

While I’ve been bed bound I wanted to get back blogging and a few of you have messaged me asking about my operation that I had nearly 4 weeks back, so I thought why not blog about it and keep you up to date on my recovery.

I had the surgery done at a Private Hospital in Stafford, Rowley Hall Hospital, highly recommend this place as the care was incredible. If you’re close to me you’ll know I’d waited 7 years for this surgery to investigate the pain in my abdomen, bitter sweet I guess because they didn’t find what they originally went looking for but found something else…

When I woke up it was obvious that I hadn’t responded well to the anaesthetic, I was nursed for a fair few hours before being allowed to go home. If you’ve never been in a Range Rover P38, A – you’re blessed and B – they’re not the comfiest cars on the road and definitely not the car you want to get into after being knocked out for 2+ hours. First three days are a struggle to remember, thanks to the painkillers prescribed, We struggled to get my blood pressure back up, but thankfully my sister Zoe is trained and had all the equipment to monitor me at home.

I was fine for the first two weeks, recovery was going well, I was getting more mobile on my feet, then pain started… I passed it off almost as I was still bloated and the cuts were slightly infected. Fast forward a week and I was readmitted to hospital to be told my body isn’t recovering the way it should be, no shock to me. So that’s me ordered to another two weeks bed rest and dose up on the pain killers…

On another note, by the time the two weeks are up, I’m due back in hospital for another surgery…

At least we’ll start the new year off lighter (cya organs not required), recovered and ready to hit 2021.

Stay Positive and Test Negative.

Chloe x


4 thoughts on “4 Weeks Post Op

  1. Hi Chloe sorry to hear your not healing but your in safe hands , they are brilliant at that hospital just get well soon keep us posted take care ❤ Xx

    1. Hi Carol, Aren’t they just, couldn’t fault the hospital at all! I will try my best, have a lovely Christmas and New Year and hopefully catch up at one of the races soon! Xxxxx

  2. Oh dear, I am sorry to read that you are still not recovered. Doing too much too soon or have you picked up an infection? Stay warm and safe and we are sending you big hugs and lots of love.xxxx

    1. Doing too much too soon, my body obviously needs more time than others. The cuts got infected, wasn’t pretty. Lots of love, see you at Xmas xxxx

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