Tankwa Padstal and the Carnage film set

we said bye to the yank dirt bikers, then met them 100 metres down the road broke down. turn out South Africa might be close to 1st world but it’s still Africa.. the support crew had filled the fuel tanks from rusty cans and used coffe filters to get the rust out, but it didnt work, we left them to fume, welcome to Africa guys.

40kms down the road was what we had really come this way to visit, the site of the film ste for the SKY tv carnage program and to see the puppy crusher.

Tankwa Padstal puppy crusher
behind here in the desert was the film set we did the filming at.
compact cassette and kodak film
I am oretty sure the Kodak film is out of date, and I reckon the casstes will be blank 🙂
UFO crashed in Karoo desert

I biker in the bar at 11am who was riding a 690 KTM, who managed to consume 2 pints a double whisky and two shots of liquer while we chatted to him told us that the big silver disk is not a UFO it’sand ‘O’. becuase its not unidentified and it’s not fucking flying. cant argue with that, he wobbled out of the bar after telling us he has a nother 250km off road to ride today, again welcome to Africa guys.

todays house wine is jaegermeister
sums the place up just right

the puppy crusher had gone, the woman on the counter remembered me and to prove it could describe Chloe, OK she had a great memory or I am very memorable.

she told us where it had gone a car collector from the local ton had bought it for the axles, a phone number was retrieved and a visit arranged for later that day.

we trundled off towards the town of Ceres, the car collector said he was on his siesta until 2 pm, so we decided to have a quick catch up with Johan one of the South Africans we met in Namibia, and by pure chance, he had a farm 5kms from the car collector.

just as we pulled in on the dirt track to Johans fruit farm the top right-hand damper mount decided to free itself from the chassis.

good timing Johan has a full workshop and mechanics to go with it.

Its not what it looks like, OK maybe it is.
We have met some great people on this trip, Johan and his friends have been great fun and we are real haooy we ran them off the track in north Namibia

after the fix we got a tour of the factory…

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One thought on “Tankwa Padstal and the Carnage film set

  1. Johan Van Den Berg
    Johan Van Den Berg says:

    Jip, eventually we tracked the Beady and Dogger down for running repairs, ha ha. Glad we could assist. The workshop team was ecstatic that they we able to assist the legendary Beady with some repairs. Great moment for us all.

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