Welcome back guys, Sorry for the delay in posts however I have just started at University studying a Motorsport and Logistics degree anyway…
Last weekend we went to what possibly will be my last race of the 2017 season, We attended the Staffs and Shrops LRC Stone Enduro. I had mixed feelings about the weekend as nearly 3 months ago I had my first roll there and a year to the date I did my very first race here, I decided I’d aim to tackle the venue once more for a finish.

Saturday: After making a deal with my parents to allow all the family to participate in the event I got the short straw meaning I had to drive there and back each day. The racing started at 3pm, ( 4 runs before dinner and 2 afterwards ) , I started off slow and steady and began to build my confidence back before picking up the speed a bit, after finishing the 4 runs without any issues we stopped to have dinner. The dinner break for me was used to put the final preparations on to my ‘Christmas tree’, for anyone that wasn’t there or hasn’t seen a photo (YET) yes I had neon under glow under my race car. Sadly they didn’t work as well as I originally planned, however next year I will up my game.
Sunday: Another early start for me (6am), I managed to get to the site by 8am and have my boundary bangers breakfast. (Everyone in S&S knows it’s the perfect race breakfast prep, Its also a good hangover meal too.) We started racing at 9am with 4 runs in the morningThe car was getting warm throughout the first 4 laps but with the time in-between the laps it was able to cool down, after dinner the car began to get hotter and hotter and we had to stop pushing, it continued to get worse which resulted in us half way around the course calling it quits and cruising the remaining corners. I made the decision looking at the results to save the car for next year as there was currently only minor jobs to do so I took a max on the last lap, Finishing up in 12th in class and 42nd overall.
Thank you to Staffs and Shrops for another amazing event, I look forward to marshalling at the new venue in Shrewsbury in a Months time. Until then I hope you all are doing well and enjoying the last few races before Winter.
