Well I’m back, We have a lot to catch up on but i’m extremely stressed out due to college work.
Nearly one year on after a life changing situation happened in June 2015 I’m happy that things are finally looking up. I’m going to be telling the story about what seamed to be the darkest days of my life yet.
We jumped Tio at the weekend at two shows (Dean Valley and South View) he jumped double clear in all classes over the weekend placing 1st, 1st , 3rd however we are certain now that the accident must of taken place in one of theses rounds due to some evidence we have yet he never limped , stopped or looked in pain all weekend until the Wednesday after the shows where he was just doing his regular routine at home we noticed his leg had started to swell up and become hot. So we did the normal cold hosing and box rest for 3 days to see if it was just a knock to the leg and then took him to the vets over the weekend.
She told us that there was a huge rip down his tendon and asked how it happened so we told her the story on what happened which had me in tears unable to finish. After calming down and getting my head around what seamed to be a life ending moment she then told us are options and how she thought it would repair. ( which didn’t seam promising) He was then put on box rest for what seamed to be forever and later allowed to be walked around for 5 minutes a day, it slowly progressed to 15 minutes a day with in a number of month but then sadly we experienced a set back that questioned our whole thought on his come back. Although he was never lame through this whole time it still made the situation hard to get our head around, it sadly happened a few days before our first HOYS qualifier which we had been planning since the start of the year.

Things began to settle down more as it hit December time with us doing 15 minutes of hand walking with him we were starting to question what to do with him as it had been 7 months on now and we didn’t seam to be progressing any further. We gave it a good thought about retirement but decided it wouldn’t be the answer for him because of how well he was with his age. Fast forwarding to January 20th we had a scan at Nantwhich Vets and the vet told us we were able to get back on him to start walking and trotting him around, this was fantastic news after a massive set back. We then went through a 6 week plan to get him back trotting for 40 minutes and then returned for another scan in which she told us we could now start cantering him for short periods of time, this was now the last scan he will have in a long while. A week ago we started off by having his first jump over a very small cross pole ( you can find the images/videos on my Instagram @Chloeannajones ) we then monitored both his front legs after this and saw no sign of change we then repeated this 4 days after and have seen no change up to now. We have a schedule planned out ready for Tio that will be slowly taken role on, this will hopefully help build the strength up of the tendon.
Until then the rest remains a mystery.
Thank you for reading.