Hello to the world that views my blog, well seams it’s now been a whole year since I started doing my blog I thought I would share a big experience in my life which may relate to a few fellow horse riders.I apologies for the length of this post in advance. This is about the terrible summer I experience which almost led up to me never riding again.
Many people will know the terrible summer I had which I won’t go into much detail with some of the events but briefly describe the events of it , it started off by my pony “Tioren” pulling his tendon 4 days before the HOYS pony showjumper qualifier at Arena Uk in the middle of June which we were entered in, To many that know Tio has played a huge part in my pony years and it simply broke my heart when we found out he had ripped his tendon while competing the weekend before. We were then extremely grateful to then take on “fairgate Rhys” from a close friend for just over 2 months to finish off ponies on a better note , to then riding for a woman that taught me a lot about different ways of schooling on that flat but the ambitions were out of target . It was shortly after the start of September that I left that place due to a few reasons, looking back on it it was the best thing that could of happened because I am now back in control on my own plans and achieving so much more.
Yet at the time I didn’t know what would happen in the future, I only knew that my parents weren’t prepared to buy another horse until summer next year, with the progress of Tio’s injury we were hoping by November we would be able to ride him again but sadly his leg began to stop mending and got worse. It was then when we thought do we even bother trying to get him back in the ring or just retire him now.

I had now not ridden for over a month a was debating the decision of quitting college as it is equine based and going to sixth form instead and leaving the horses until Tio had made a mend ( which was still unsure if he would ) This took a lot of thought and was sat on for a while until I was able to make a decision but happily my family made that decision for me as one night after college my dad told me we were going to see a horse locally to us , I was pretty shocked but I believe they saw how much I didn’t want to leave the sport and decided to make a plan. We tried crystal in the end of September and then brought her after trying her again a few days later. We brought her as a very green 8 year old but a few weeks on we started digging up her history from her being abroad and we found out she had results up to 1.10 showjumping and dressage results. She was defiantly still very green but over time she has improved.
Although I wasn’t getting lessons or trained off anyone I was able to put my own knowledge and the advice from a few close friends into my own ‘little project’ which I wasn’t able to do before while riding someone else’s horses. I was now able to plan a future for us both and set targets to move us both up a level over the year, She gave me a better introduction into horse classes putting me straight into the placings and into newcomers in no time. Once things started to pick up again we took Tio back for another scan in January and finally got some good news that we could bring him back into work, he is now doing 40mins a day walk , trot and a few laps of canter and hoping to be back jumping by July. After a horrible summer last year we are now planning to attend International events over the coming year, Making last year only seam like a blips.
To now I owe big thanks to the people that helped put me back on my feet after the injury of Tio and to the people that made the times worse simply because now we’re having the last laugh!
Thank you all for reading.