Huge apologies for the lack of posts however I have a few things that I’m going to be writing on here this week while I have the time so expect a few rants ect.
Well as many of you have known over the past 3 weeks its been a very happy/ nervous time for us all, Tio went to his first show 3 weeks ago at a local unaffiliated show to jump around (75cm). We were very surprised when he went around double clear without looking at any of the fillers which is very new for him, surprise surprise he won the class and started off his come back in a brilliant start.
The following week later we decent to jump in the same class and had the same result ( double clear and 1st) so after that we decided it was time to reregister him BSJA, it look a few days to get him down graded and the permission from the BS to change from a pony to a horse.

Once this had blown over and we were in touch of the weekend, we had plans to go to Bold Heath on the Sunday with both horses however due to having a deposit placed on my mare that was for sale we decided to only take Tio. The show was a joke ( I will rant and explain about this in a follow up rant in a few days ) however Tio jumped a fabulous round to go double clear and went into the lead to later on finish in 3rd place. I was very nervous for the round as I was unsure how he would react with the distances and the doubles but he managed to get all the horses doubles perfect . As it had taken 5 hours to jump 2 classes and we had borrowed a bridle due to forgetting our own we decided to pull out of a very large 95cm scope qualifier as it is still very early days we didn’t want to push anything or injury him.
Plenty more shows as well as time, nothing needs to be rushed as the progress is still very slow and steady.